• Basic Knowledge of Ports

This book was arranged and intended as a reference for maritime students especially those majoring in the Port and Shipping Management Department, This book is expected to give insight to the readers about port activities as one of the nodes of the goods distribution chain.

As an archipelagic nation, sea transportation holds a central role since most of the goods, either industrial or commodity goods, are distributed by sea transportation. Therefore, excellent resources are needed to ensure the good administration of the port. The advancement of the port also plays an important role because it contributes to regional growth.

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Basic Knowledge of Ports

Penulis Nur Rohmah | Andi Prasetiawan | Winarno
Kategori TALK
Penerbit PIP Semarang
ISBN/e-ISBN 978-623-7445-88-3
Dimensi 18x25 cm
Harga Rp.158.000
Stok Buku Tersedia
Berat 108 Gram
Jumlah Halaman 54
  • Rp.158.000

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