Nur Rohmah
Buku ini disusun mengacu pada peraturan dalam Marine Pollution (MARPOL) 1973/1978 yang memuat 6 (enam) Annexes yang berisi regulasi-regulasi pencegaha..
Pada era perdagangan bebas saat ini arus keluar masuk barang termasuk penangkapan ikan yang terkadang sampai pada batas teritorial negara sering menim..
Sebagai negara kepulauan, transportasi laut di Indoensia memegang peranan sangat penting. Sebagian besar barang hasil industri maupun komoditi yang di..
Quality is a relative measure of the material. Defining quality in material terms is so general that it offers no operational meaning. Operationally, ..
Chapter I. Introduction and Definition of Logistics Chapter II. Logistic Objectives, Logistic Missions, Supply Chain Management, ..
A ship is a means of transportation that is very economical and transport large quantities of cargo. However, there are risks of pollution as the resu..
This guideline refers to the Rules of Indonesian Professional Certification Authority (BNSP) Number: 09/BNSP 301/X1/2013 concerning the Guidelines for..
The Port and Shipping Management Study Program (TALK) of Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic (PIP Semarang) has a very important role in providing qu..
As an archipelago country, sea transportation in Indonesia plays a very essential role. Most of the industrial goods and commodities are distributed t..