• Internship Program Guide TALK PIP Semarang Study Program Lecturer in Industry and World Of Work (IDUKA)

The Port and Shipping Management Study Program (TALK) of Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic (PIP Semarang) has a very important role in providing qualified human resources (HR) that can compete globally in the port and shipping industry. Therefore, graduates of the TALK PIP Semarang Study Program must be equipped with competencies according to the needs of Industry and the World of Work (IDUKA). The learning process is carried out by prioritizing the link and match principle with IDUKA, so it is necessary to update knowledge for Lecturers of the TALK PIP Semarang Study Program to transfer the knowledge to the cadets following the latest developments at IDUKA.

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Internship Program Guide TALK PIP Semarang Study Program Lecturer in Industry and World Of Work (IDUKA)

Penulis Nur Rohmah
Kategori Lainnya
Penerbit PIP Semarang
Dimensi 18x25 cm
Harga Rp.40.000
Stok Buku Tersedia
Berat 56 Gram
Jumlah Halaman 28
  • Rp.40.000

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