• Port Services, Facilities and Operations

Indonesia is an archipelagic country comprising thousands of islands which leads to the fact that the country's territory is mostly water. Due to this geographical special condition, a ship is a fundamental means of transportations for this country. A port as a place for berthing the ship, boarding and disembarking passengers, and cargo loading activities is also inevitably needed.

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Port Services, Facilities and Operations

Penulis Kristin Anita Indriyani | Laksmi Setyorini
Kategori TALK
Penerbit PIP Semarang
ISBN/e-ISBN 978-623-8141-19-7,/978-623-8141-20-3 (PDF)
Dimensi 18x25 cm
Ketebalan 99 Halaman
Harga Rp.71.595
Stok Buku Tersedia
Berat 200 Gram
Jumlah Halaman 99
  • Rp.71.595
