This meteorological course aims to provide knowledge about weather phenomena, how to observe weather and predict weather conditiobs to be implemented ..
Quality is a relative measure of the material. Defining quality in material terms is so general that it offers no operational meaning. Operationally, ..
A ship is a means of transportation that is very economical and transport large quantities of cargo. However, there are risks of pollution as the resu..
This practicum module consist of tasks in accordance with the specified Teaching Program Unit (SAP) or Lecture Progress Book (BKK). the tasks are arra..
Emergency Procedures and SAR can be useful in increasing our knowledge and concept of how we sail with safety to the destination and how we take actio..
This book was arranged and intended as a reference for maritime student. This book is expected to give insight to the readers about auxiliary engines...
Buku Perawatan dan Perbaikan Permesinan ini disusun untuk melengkapi materi pembelajaran Diploma IV Program Studi Teknika. Buku ini ditulis untuk kepe..