• Computer Applications Navigation System and Use of Information ECDIS

This book aims to provide the reader the definition of ECDIS, ECDIS legal and regulation aspects, components of ECDIS, and route planning for shipping with ECDIS
Topics covered in this book include:
Chapter I. ECDIS (Electronic Charts Display and Information System).

Chapter II. Aspect Law & Requirement ECDIS.

Chapter III. ECDIS, ECS, and RCDS.

Chapter IV. Components and Functions ECDIS.

Chapter V. Functions of Electronic Navigation Map.

Chapter VI. Route Planning for Shipping with ECDIS.

Chapter VII. System Failure and Backup.

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Computer Applications Navigation System and Use of Information ECDIS

Penulis Samsul Huda
Kategori Nautika
Penerbit PIP Semarang
ISBN/e-ISBN 978-623-8141-30-2/978-623-8141-29-6 (PDF)
Dimensi 18x25 cm
Harga Rp.77.700
Stok Buku Tersedia
Berat 500 Gram
Jumlah Halaman 110
  • Rp.77.700