Marine Propulsion System Diesel
- ISBN 978-623-8141-02-9
- Versi Indonesia
- e-ISBN 978-623-8141-01-2 (PDF)
- Penulis Amad Narto Nasri Suwondo
- Penerbit PIP Semarang
- Tahun Terbit 2022
- Ukuran Buku 18 x 25cm
- Ketersediaan
This book is intended as a learning supplement in the program of upgrading education and training for engine officerr class III during the maintenance and repair of ship machinery and equipment course.
The scope of material in this book includes basic knowledge of drawing ship engine designs which contains the arrangement and capabilities of diesel engine, the difference between 4-stroke and 2-stroke, parts of diesel engine, fuel combustion in the diesel engine cylinder, compreesed air system (supercharging), the combustion air volume and weight, trust block, balancing, vibration and noise, ship speed, propeller speed and slip, crank shaft deflection, Controllable Pitch Propeller (CPP)