• Auxiliary Engines I

This book was arranged and intended as a reference for maritime student. This book is expected to give insight to the readers about auxiliary engines.

Auxiliary engines is all machinery and functions on the vessel, both on the deck and in the engine romm, except the main engine and main engine and main steam bolier, which functions to facilitate the operation of the vessel, whether the ship is sailing or the ship is currently operating in the port area continuously and safely 

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Auxiliary Engines I

Penulis Sumarno P.S | Febria Surjaman
Kategori Teknika
Penerbit PIP Semarang
ISBN/e-ISBN 978-623-8141-16-6/978-623-8141-15-9 (PDF)
Dimensi 18x25 cm
Harga Rp.97.680
Stok Buku Tersedia
Berat 500 Gram
Jumlah Halaman 146
  • Rp.97.680

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