Penerbit PIP Semarang

Penerbit PIP Semarang

Marine Propulsion System Diesel

Marine Propulsion System Diesel

This book is intended as a learning  supplement in the program of upgrading..


Management of Quality Assurance

Management of Quality Assurance

Quality is a relative measure of the material. Defining quality in material term..


Logistics and supply chain

Logistics and supply chain

Chapter   I. Introduction and Definition of Logistics Chapter ..


Introductions to the Prevention of Marine Pollution for Sea Transportation

Introductions to the Prevention of Marine Pollution for Sea Transportation

A ship is a means of transportation that is very economical and transport large ..


Fourth Semester Maritime Meteorology Practicum Module

Fourth Semester Maritime Meteorology Practicum Module

This practicum module consist of tasks in accordance with the specified Teaching..


Emergency Procedures and SAR

Emergency Procedures and SAR

Emergency Procedures and SAR can be useful in increasing our knowledge and conce..


Auxiliary Engines I

Auxiliary Engines I

This book was arranged and intended as a reference for maritime student. This bo..


Perawatan dan Perbaikan Permesinan

Perawatan dan Perbaikan Permesinan

Buku Perawatan dan Perbaikan Permesinan ini disusun untuk melengkapi materi pemb..


Modul Praktikum Teknologi Bahan

Modul Praktikum Teknologi Bahan

Modul Praktikum teknologi Bahan ini bertujuam memberikan informasi kepada taruna..


Teknologi Informatika

Teknologi Informatika

Buku Teknologi Informatika ini membahas sejarah dan perkembangan dunia teknologi..


Modul Praktikum Konstruksi dan Prinsip Kerja Permesinan Bantu

Modul Praktikum Konstruksi dan Prinsip Kerja Permesinan Bantu

Buku modul praktik konstruksi dan prinsip kerja permesinan bantu ini disusun dig..


Leadership dan Teamwork Skill

Leadership dan Teamwork Skill

Buku Leadership and Teamwork skill ini memberi pembelajaran terkait dengan kepem..


Dasar Sistem Kelistrikan Kapal

Dasar Sistem Kelistrikan Kapal

Buku Ajar ini ditulis untuk kepentingan Taruna, Perwira Siswa dan tenaga profesi..


Computer Applications Navigation System and Use of Information ECDIS

Computer Applications Navigation System and Use of Information ECDIS

This book aims to provide the reader the definition of ECDIS, ECDIS legal and re..


Academic Regulation of Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang

Academic Regulation of Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang

Chapter 1 : General Provisions Chapter II: Standards of Graduate Competence ..


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