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Fourth Semester Maritime Meteorology Practicum Module

  • Penerbit PIP Semarang
  • ISBN/e-ISBN 978-623-7445-77-7
  • Ketersediaan Tersedia

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This practicum module consist of tasks in accordance with the specified Teaching Program Unit (SAP) or Lecture Progress Book (BKK). the tasks are arranged not according to the order of SAP/BKK and include:

  1. Explaining the meteorological equipment on board with video playback.
  2. Practicing thermometer.
  3. Practicing the psychrometer and hygrometer.
  4. Practicing the barometer.
  5. Practicing the anemometer and wind vanes.
  6. Practicing the introduction of clouds and rain.
  7. Practicing fog recognation/visibility.
  8. Practicing the ocean waves/waves in the sea.
  9. Practicing weather observations at sea/ship weather code.
  10. Observing the atmosphereic phenomena and weather.

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